Thursday, November 1, 2007


You can learn a lot while having fun. I say that because I learned a lot while having fun on our Pennsylvania field trip. My teacher, Michele Yokell, took us on a trip to Philadelphia. This is how I had a fun educational experience.
One of the museums we went to was called the Constitution Center. We went there to watch a show and eat lunch. After we ate, we entered an arena where a man talked to us about the constitution and the story behind it. It was so beautiful it made me cry.
When we exited the arena we entered a circular hallway with various attractions. I even got to say the presidential pledge! Of course, we learned too. There was a small screen with faces on it and when you tapped one it gave you the information about them. I learned about Mickey Mouse, Muhammad Ali, and even people I'd never heard of, like Janet O'Connor! We entered the Signers Hall where we saw the signers of the Constitution. Soon we had to go. I said good-bye to the bronze statue of John Dickinson, and we went on our way.
One of my favorite places was the Liberty Museum. The educational section was cool, like the Flame of Liberty was broken to show that freedom had it's flaws. the fun part was amazing! I got to vote, even though I'm underage! Also, there were creative statues of children named the 'Jellybean People'! What were the statues made of? Jellybeans, of course!
Clearly, I learned a lot while having fun. If there was a contest for 'Best trip Franny ever had', this would be tied for first place with my trip to Frost Valley YMCA. And that's the truth!


Anonymous said...

Yes Franny! The trip was fun AND also helped us learn more about the war. I wounder why teachers don't take us out on more fun trips like that?
-Sophie, Class 5-405

Franny said...

I know. i am a genius forced to mingle with riff-raff(you).

Cheryl said...

Wow. Sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait for the field trip, being a new fifth grader on the 9th day of school, and this information was very helpful, and I can't wait until the trip! It sounds like so much fun!