Monday, December 31, 2007

new years.

I'm Korean and every new years my family has a tradition. Our family meets up on new years and all the kids pay their respects for their elders. After they pay respects, the elders give money. I love this because it's about the only time when my family meets up!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My new addiction...

Today, it is December 18 2007. Today was also Michele Yokell's play. It was so cool and I, Remi M. was apart of it, I also played the piano. Michele would probably describe this play as a town meeting about the revolution. However, I describe this play as a argument between Loyalists and Patriots, two different sides of the Revolution. It was an exciting experience for me and my class too. I love doing plays and the way Michele combines music with acting, it's nearly addictive, and by the way, I guess that explains my title.