Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Wait Is Over!

You wait and wait for the next issue of the Spotlight newspaper to come out, but 4 times a year just isn't enough! You need news! You want to know what's going on around school, and you want to know right now! And, you want to comment on that news and make your own voice heard!

Now you can do all of those things with the fantastic new Spotlight blog. The Spotlight newspaper will still be published 4 times a year, but the blog will have new postings every week! Bookmark the blog or subscribe to our feed (see the video below) so you don't miss anything, and feel free to leave us thoughtful comments. Thanks for reading!


joshjett said...

I like how you are talking to the reader and telling them what is going on now.

from josh

Kiani said...

You have a very catchy title.Also you are acting like you am right there talking to me.