Monday, December 31, 2007

new years.

I'm Korean and every new years my family has a tradition. Our family meets up on new years and all the kids pay their respects for their elders. After they pay respects, the elders give money. I love this because it's about the only time when my family meets up!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My new addiction...

Today, it is December 18 2007. Today was also Michele Yokell's play. It was so cool and I, Remi M. was apart of it, I also played the piano. Michele would probably describe this play as a town meeting about the revolution. However, I describe this play as a argument between Loyalists and Patriots, two different sides of the Revolution. It was an exciting experience for me and my class too. I love doing plays and the way Michele combines music with acting, it's nearly addictive, and by the way, I guess that explains my title.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mosquito ring tones

Have you heard of the mosquito ring tone! It's one of the most coolest inventions! It's a ring tone that adults can't hear, as long as they are over 30! Isn't really awesome! So parents and teachers can't hear this ring tones.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


School tours are such a hassle if you are in fifth grade. You have to go to the school, see if you like it, and then bring back a late pass so they don't mark you absent... whoa I need to catch my breath by just thinking about it... and imagine doing it!! So remember moving from the elementry school to middle school is a big step and be ready!


Have you noticed anything different about those plants out side our school??? The fence around those plants have special designs! They have the same thing that is painted on OUR yard!!! A tree with red circles! (The circles could be cherries or apples...) Isn't that cool!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Guitars have been here for a long time. The guitar is a string instrument. It is used a lot in most bands. The guitar is also a great instrument to learn. So keep strumming those strings PS116.


Thanksgiving is for giving thanks to all of the good things that you have. So lets give thanks to our teachers. After all they have taught us most of what we know.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Breakfast with books

Don't you love breakfast with books... I DO!!! I love the idea of reading a book and sharing ideas with people. I mean, we kids would never actually do that... RIGHT!!!

I wouldn't even read half the books...
So keep reading!!
Please comment.

longer recess

many kids in this school want longer recess. lets go do that. recess is the time where you go out side and let your energy out.without recess we will be hyper the whole day

Field trips!!!

Don't you love field trips?! It's probably the best thing in the world... like that Philadelphia field trip... the WHOLE fifth grade did it! If you are younger and didn't go... well look foward to it in fifth grade!

Franny's thoughts #4

What do we do about lunch periods?
our school rocks but.....
Do you ever feel that you just sat down to eat and suddenly BOOM! Clean-up time! we need longer lunch periods and it's a problem, especially when you just came off the lunch line with your tray laden with food. What do we do about this??? Suggestions via comments!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Have you noticed garbage along the hallways of our beloved 116? I have! Come on guys! Our hallways deserve better. I mean, we have plenty of garbage cans - one in every room at least. This is our home away from home. Let's treat it with respect. After all, we are the ones who have to spend our time here - and I, for one, don't enjoy a dirty school. Do you?????!
Please post suggestions. Good luck PS116.


My class just finished the book "Priscilla and the Wimps". This is a very topical book for solving problems with bullies. Everyone hates a bully. This book shows how to really look at the situation - that bullies are in fact really afraid of you! There are reasons why kids bully others. It is their own insecurity. I like a number of the suggestions for dealing with bullies in "Pricilla and the Wimps". For example- there is strength in numbers! Back up your friends when they face bullies, and you will get backed up, too. Another suggestion is - speak up! If you are being bullied, tell people: your teachers, your friends and your parents. You will not be ignored. Speak up for yourself and others and the bullies won't have a chance!

Used Eyeglasses

Have you ever had a old pair of eyeglasses and you had no use for them? Well here is a chance to do something! Take your old eyeglasses (or your parent's or your neighbor's) and bring them to the PS 116 office and put them in the used eyeglass bin. We will take the glasses to a charity that sorts them by prescription, cleans them, and gets them to someone who can't afford a new pair.
It's a win-win situation. You don't need those old glasses and by doing this you are helping others in need. I mean can you image not being able to see?
So get those eyeglasses and donate them now!

HOW TO STAY HEALTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think that you are a little unhealthy????? Do you think you eat alot of junk????? If you ansered yes to those questions then you have to find a way to become healthy!! There are a few steps that you need to take in order to become healthy. First, you need to eat your vegetables. Next you need to cut down on your sweets (that you probably have in your back pocket).
You're probably thinking, are you serious how can I do this to my sweet candy!! Well to tell you the truth, it's easy all you have to do is.... Make a list of how much candy you eat daily, then weekly, then monthly so you can have an idea of how much candy you have been eating. Then, you need to draw another chart that is going to give you an idea of how much candy you are going to eat weekly (but it has to be 3-5 candies between Monday and Sunday). So you will know when to eat candy and when is your break from candy.
If you think this will be to hard then you can just have 1-2 and I repeat 1-2 candies daily. Every 2 weeks you can pick a day thet you eat 2-3 candies because you feel like you need some suger but that is it.
Also you can only have 3 candies if you have 2-3 carrots (not baby carrots) or celery. But you have to make sure you eat some sort of vegetable.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Franny's thoughts #3

Recess trouble Part II
our school is nice but..........
Little kids shouldn't be with older kids, like fifth and fourth graders. First of all, little ones could get really hurt. And also, second and third graders get on older kids' nerves. I should know. What do we do to explain this to Ms. Hsu and Mr. Chevell? Suggestions via comments!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fifth graders and seccond graders

Word on the street is that the fifth graders are being mean to the second graders at recess. Is this true? if you have an opinion or solution send in your comment.


Sometimes when your teacher is giving you your homework, then, when you least expect it someone picks their nose! Now...what's your homework? You don't know? See, that's a distraction. A way to stop that is to ask your teacher to switch your seat. YAY NO NOSE PICKERS! Now that is an inprovement. What distractions go on in your class?


Many kids have been caught chewing gum in school. The reason that they banned it is that people stick it in other people's hair. GROSE. Or they stick it under the table. I mean they didn't ban gum for nothing. Also some people hate gum! Like the teachers or the principal.

Franny's thoughts #2

Recess Trouble Part I
Ever been sitting down while your friend chatters away and then.......Benched!! What did I sdo/ you moan as you walk over to the Quiet Table. Why can't our lunch and recess teachers make sure it's really you? Suggestions via comments!

Inspired by Laura C.

The bathrooms

The bathrooms in PS116 are a place where kids like privacy. But sometimes in PS116 you don't get it. You walk around and see inappropriate words and something on the ceiling. Eeew, you think. You run out.
This happens a lot. Kids don't want this. If you are one of those students that abuse our bathrooms, please don't. Recently we had a incident where the boys bathroom got a little messy... wait no, REALLY MESSY. This was so serious Mr. Shevelle came in to each room and talked to the classes. So be a good student and be clean!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Franny's thoughts #1

What should we do about bathrooms?
Our school is great but.......
Have you ever entered the bathroom and walked right out? I have, and this is a very serious problem. There are curses in the stall, gum on the floor, and toilets overflowing. Yuck!!!!!!!! What can we do about this??? Send in any suggestions via comments.

You can learn a lot while having fun. I say that because I learned a lot while having fun on our Pennsylvania field trip. My teacher, Michele Yokell, took us on a trip to Philadelphia. This is how I had a fun educational experience.
One of the museums we went to was called the Constitution Center. We went there to watch a show and eat lunch. After we ate, we entered an arena where a man talked to us about the constitution and the story behind it. It was so beautiful it made me cry.
When we exited the arena we entered a circular hallway with various attractions. I even got to say the presidential pledge! Of course, we learned too. There was a small screen with faces on it and when you tapped one it gave you the information about them. I learned about Mickey Mouse, Muhammad Ali, and even people I'd never heard of, like Janet O'Connor! We entered the Signers Hall where we saw the signers of the Constitution. Soon we had to go. I said good-bye to the bronze statue of John Dickinson, and we went on our way.
One of my favorite places was the Liberty Museum. The educational section was cool, like the Flame of Liberty was broken to show that freedom had it's flaws. the fun part was amazing! I got to vote, even though I'm underage! Also, there were creative statues of children named the 'Jellybean People'! What were the statues made of? Jellybeans, of course!
Clearly, I learned a lot while having fun. If there was a contest for 'Best trip Franny ever had', this would be tied for first place with my trip to Frost Valley YMCA. And that's the truth!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

boo bash

The boo bash is when most of the families get together and they celebrate Halloween. the things that you can do is: go in the haunted house and play games. Sometimes even the teachers will come and party. The reason for the boo bash is to have a fund riser. The Boo bash is held every single year. My favorite part of it is the haunted house! Hope I see you at the Boo Bash!

New Teachers And Old Teachers


As you know there are some new teachers. One of them is Mrs. Morque. She teaches 5th grade. She is from Minnesota. Mrs. Morque has taught 5th, 4th, and 3rd grade! She is very nice but still gets the learning in! Michele Yokell was a 3rd grade teacher but now is a 5th grade teacher. Michele has the most fieldtrips in the 5th grade. But as well gets in the learning. So if you see these two teachers wave hi! Good Luck PS116!

The Wait Is Over!

You wait and wait for the next issue of the Spotlight newspaper to come out, but 4 times a year just isn't enough! You need news! You want to know what's going on around school, and you want to know right now! And, you want to comment on that news and make your own voice heard!

Now you can do all of those things with the fantastic new Spotlight blog. The Spotlight newspaper will still be published 4 times a year, but the blog will have new postings every week! Bookmark the blog or subscribe to our feed (see the video below) so you don't miss anything, and feel free to leave us thoughtful comments. Thanks for reading!